速報APP / 生活品味 / Halal Companion Halal Board india

Halal Companion Halal Board india





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本




Halal Companion Halal Board india(圖1)-速報App

Halal Companion Halal Board Indian in this application you can check Halal/Haram E-numbers Codes,Food additives in one click.Halal Companion Halal Board Indian provides

complete in categrious wise with detail information of Halal/Haram Ingredients and much more. Halal Board Indian provides the complete secret "E-codes / E-numbers" on the back of food packaging is a Halal or Haraam ingredient. You can search the detail meaning of E-Codes/ E- Numbers Quick and easy to use!

Halal Companion Halal Board Indian this is application is very useful in halal status of any product.


Halal Companion Halal Board india(圖2)-速報App

- Search capability

- A Complete list of E-codes / E-numbers.

- Great user interface & Material Design App

- Detailed description of each E Codes

Halal Companion Halal Board india(圖3)-速報App

- Good Source regarding Halal, Haram, Mashbooh & tips.

- Easy to use

Halal Companion Halal Board india(圖4)-速報App